2.1 Student Enrolment and Profile

Admission List Reserve Category Students

Reservation  Policy 

2.2 Catering to Student Diversity

2.2.1 Assess Learning Level

2.2.2 Student-Full Time Teacher Ratio

2.3 Teaching Learning Process

2.3.1 Student Centric Methods


2.3.3 Mentoring System

2.3.4 Academic Calender & Teaching Plan

2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality

Five Year Teachers List

2.4.2 Teachers with Ph.D.

2.4.3 Teaching Experience of Full Time Teachers

2.5 Evaluation Process and Reforms

2.5.1 Declaration of Examination Results

2.5.2 Student Complaints / Grieveances

2.5.3 Examination Reforms & IT integration

2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcomes

2.6.1 CO/PSO

2.6.2 Attainment of PO’s/PSO’s/CO’s

2.6.3 Pass Percentage of Students

2.7 Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS)

2.7.1 Student Details for SSS

3.1 Promotion of Research and Facilities

Research Policy

Registered PhD Candidate 

PhD Registration Letters

Syllabus PhD

Code of Ethics

Grant award letter for research projects sponsored by government agencies

publication indicating ISBN number and year of publication for book chapters

Number of research papers in the Journals notified on UGC CARE list year wise during the last five years

Summary of the functional MoUs linkages collaboration

3.2.4 Research Projects per Department

3.3 Innovation Ecosystem

3.3.1 Innovation Ecosystem

3.3.2 Programs on RM/IPR/ES/SD

3.4 Research Publications & Awards

3.4.1 Course Work 

3.4.2 Ph.D registered per Teacher

3.4.3 Research Papers on UGC website

3.4.4 Books and chapters in edited volumes/books published/papers in proceedings

3.4.5 Citation index

3.4.6 h-index

3.5 Consultancy

3.5.1 Revenue from Consultancy and Corporate Training

3.5.2 Expenditure on Consultancy and Corporate Training

3.6 Extension Activities

3.6.1 Extension in neighbourhood

3.6.2 Awards and Recognitions

3.6.3 Number of Extension and Outreach Programmes

3.6.4 Student Participation

3.7 Collaboration

3.7.1 Collaborative Activities

3.7.2 MoUs

4.1 Physical Facilities

4.1.1 Facilities for Teaching – Learning

4.1.2 Facilities for Sports & Culturals

4.1.3 ICT Infrastructure

4.1.4 Infrastructure Augmentation

4.2 Library as a Learning Resource

4.2.1 Library Automation

4.2.2 Library as a Learning Resource

4.2.3 Purchase of Books and Journals

4.2.4 Usage of Library

4.3 IT Infrastructure

4.3.1 Updation of IT Facilities

4.3.2 Student Computer Ratio

4.3.3 Internet Bandwidth

4.3.4 E-Content Facilities

4.4 Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure

4.4.1 Physical & Academic Support Facilities

4.4.2 SOP

5 Student Participation and Activities

5.1.1 Govt. Scholarship

Non Govt. Scholarship

Scholarship Last Five Year

Participation of students in various programs

Student development council

5.1.5 Redressal of Student Grievances

5.2 Student Progression

5.2.1 Placements of Outgoing Students

5.2.2 Progression to Higher Education

5.2.3 Competitive Examinations

5.3 Student Participation and Activities

5.3.1 Awards for Sports / Cultutral Activities

5.3.2 Student Council

5.3.3 Sports & Cultural Activities Organized

5.4 Alumni Engagement

5.4.1 Registered Alumni Associations

5.4.2 Alumni Contribution

6.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership

6.1.1 Governance of Institution

6.1.2 Decentralization & Participative Management

6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment

6.2.1 Strategic/ Perspective Plan

6.2.2 Functioning of Institutional Bodies

6.2.3 Implementation of e-Governance

6.3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies

Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS) Form Certificates

6.3.3 Training Programmes

6.3.4 Faculty Devolopment Programme Attended

6.4 Financial Management & Resource Mobilization Audit 2023 Welfare 2023 Donation 2023 Audit 2022 Welfare 2022 Audit 2021 Welfare 2021 Audit 2020 Welfare 2020 Audit 2019 Welfare 2019

Audit 5 Year

6.5 IQAC

6.5.1 Contribution of IQAC

6.5.1 IPR 2023

6.5.1 IPR_FDP


6.5.2 Review of Teaching-Learning

6.5.3 Quality Initiatives

6.5 Academic Audit 2023