“Shiksha Mandal” the renowned national education society, was established in 1914 at Wardha (Maharashtra) by Seth Jamnalal Bajaj and Shri Shrikrishan Jajoo with the twin objectives of spreading nationalistic ideas and education among the youth. Shri Jamnalal Bajaj remained its chairman for over 15 years.
During Shiskha Mandal’s Silver Jubilee celebrations in 1937, a national seminar on education was convened under the chairmanship of Mahatma Gandhi. All top national leaders and educationists attended it. It was with the initiative of Acharya Shrimannarayanji Agrawal (who later became a member of the planning Commission, Indian Ambassador to Nepal and Governor of Gujarat) and a generous donation by Seth Govindram Seksaria that G.S. College of Commerce was established in 1940 at Wardha, followed by the establishment of G.S. College of Commerce and Economics at Nagpur in 1945 and at Jabalpur in 1948.
Shiksha Mandal, which presently runs the following institutions, is functioning and flourishing under the able guidance of its President Shri Rahul Bajaj, Chairman Shri Bharat Mahodaya.
1. G. S. College of Commerce, Wardha (1940) B++
2. G. S. College of Commerce & Economics, Nagpur (1945) B+
3. G. S. College of Commerce & Economics, Jabalpur (1948) B+
4. Shri Krishnadas Jajoo Gramin Sewa Mahavidyalaya, Pipri (1961) B
5. J. B. College of Science, Wardha (1962) 3 Star
6. Diploma in Agriculture Science Course, Pipri-Wardha (1962)
7. Acharya Shrimannarayan Polytechnic, Pipri-Wardha (1963)
8. Dept. of Management Science & Research, G.S. College of Commerce & Economics, Nagpur (1987)
9. Dept. of Advanced Management Studies, G.S. College of Commerce, Wardha (1988)
10. Agriculture Science Certificate Course & Diploma in Dairy Management & Animal Husbandary, Pipri-Wardha (1993)
11. Centre for Management Studies, G.S. College of Commerce & Economics, Jabalpur (1994)
12. Ramkrishna Bajaj College of Agriculture, Pipri-Wardha (2003)